Because we knew Jack would love it...we decided to fork over the big bucks in order to ride the North Pole Express in Heber. We had a hard time finding a setting on our camera that didn't end up with terrible lighting, so sorry for the poor quality and lack of pictures.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
North Pole Express
Posted by Eric 6 comments
This year in books
I was thinking that I would jot down which books I have read this year. In no particular order and for my own documentation:
Posted by Eric 1 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Its Winter!
Its been snowing a lot lately, and apparently we're in for a blizzard! It hasn't hit us yet, but I definitely don't want to be out when it does. I just got back from the grocery store, and I don't have plans to leave the house for days.

Posted by Sarah 7 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My Momma
Posted by Sarah 8 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Reflections on Elections
You wouldn't have to look very hard to find a political cartoon to make fun of that candidate whom you just love to hate. It's easy to drag the skeletons out of the closets of those individuals who are running for or already hold public office. Nothing is off limits. All embarrassing family secrets would be dragged out in the open to air out a bit and perhaps for a few people to spit on as they pass by with their nose in the air secretly thanking benevolent mercy that their secrets are not the ones display.
After election day we then take the time to complain and moan about the results as they are never to our liking, at least not 100%. Then we diatribe against the crooks on the other side who are the solitary reason for the holes in the hull of the sinking ship we are all riding to the bottom of the ocean floor.
George Washington is often considered the greatest president we have ever had. Indeed the people of Washington's day were aware of the issues affecting them, they knew the implications of their voting actions and so, selected wisely. Contrast that with today and many people don't even know who is in the race, much less what they stand for, their history and their platform. Many people miss out on voting altogether for reasons that could have easily been avoided. I know people who did not vote because they went instead to the movies, or at least that is what they told me. Forget the notion that a movie only lasts at most 3 hours and you have no less than 3 additional hours bookending the movie in which to cast your ballot.
Garry Willis said: "(In an election year) we get the presidents we deserve. A great people is what you need for a great president. Washington was the greatest president because the people were at their most enlightened and alert. America right now is escapist. It wants to be soothed, and told it doesn't have to pay or sacrifice or learn."
Said differently - in an election year we get exactly the candidate we deserve. Nobody slipped one past us. If we as a whole are not satisfied with the candidates we have selected and continue to select, perhaps we as a whole should become more enlightened and alert in the future.
Posted by Eric 1 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Posted by Eric 12 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A RP Halloween
Even if you don't like Dr. Paul - this dude can carve a pumpkin!!
Posted by Eric 1 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Addie Louie just turned Two-ey!
Posted by Sarah 11 comments
How old am I...

Posted by Sarah 8 comments
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
People are crazy
I pulled up to the first inspection of the day and had to swerve a little in order to avoid running over an unkempt little boy who looked like he had just finished playing in a coal mine and was filthy from head to foot. His hair looked like it was a poorly managed mohawk and I'm sure he should have been in school. When I got out of the truck he followed me around screaming some gibberish that I couldn't understand and didn't seem to make sense to anyone else around either. His aunt met me at the front gate and let me on to the property and I went about my business measuring the home while avoiding the piles of dog logs peppering the yard and kicking the 4 or 5 dogs off my legs as I went.
Posted by Eric 3 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Random Stuff

Posted by Sarah 6 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pictures from the Great Depression Era
I thought this was pretty interesting. The Library of Congress has recently released about 1600 pictures from the early 1940's. I thought they were really interesting to look at since these were in color - I don't know if I've ever seen a color picture from that time. Take a look.
Posted by Eric 1 comments
One more time
I know I posted this in text format a few weeks ago. I just think it's interesting to watch the video and see the people in the audience, the administrators and her fellow grad's turning to each other and whispering or snickering. I can only imagine what they are saying to each other: "can she say that?" "are they just going to sit there and let her say those things?" It just makes me happy that there are people out there who share these feelings with me. This is one brave chica and my hat's off to her for having the courage to challenge the system, especially in this setting. Bravo!
Posted by Eric 1 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Posted by Eric 6 comments