Monday, July 26, 2010

Kissing the skies with rock n roll eyes

I have some really talented friends. I wish I had some of their talent but I am content to admire them doing what they do best.

I know that several of you, like me, enjoy the folksy, singer songwriter music that seems to be pretty popular but somehow gets no radio play. I'm gonna turn you on to the next big thing. My friend Becki plays the violin and due to her excellency at this skill she consistently rocks the casbah with a young talent named Sarah Jaffe. After you listen to the videos below you can thank me for bettering your life with these sweet melancholy jams. Then you can buy the album and make Becki rich so she can quit her day job.

Seriously, check it out. It's very good


Carrie said...

i liked it! it was really hard to hear, because the whole time i was listening, griff was in here saying, 'jack and addie bean! jack and addie bean!' because he sees them on your sidebar. but what i heard, i loved!

becki said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the shout out, Eric! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. :)

becki said...

What were you trying to tell me with that video!?!? (jk)

Two words - Air. Synth.