If you ever watch Community - and you saw it last night, you know that they ripped off my Dreadlocks post. I still like that show though.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
If you hear of anything, let me know
Have you ever thought about what you would do if you lost your current job. I have thought a lot about that since my employment is tied directly to the housing market which is influenced by any shift in the breeze. While I am not concerned at the present that my job will go away I just thought that I would throw out the feelers out there on a few jobs that I have always wanted to try.
Posted by Eric 1 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The government bubble
How is it that those from the Austrian school of thought have been able to accurately predict all of the major economic crises over the past 20 or so years and they are still given little creed in the media or the government. Nixon was right, we are all Keynsians now but we don't have to be. Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Lew Rockwell, Ron Paul and several others have been able to accurately predict what has happened to us over the past 10 years and have made some dire predictions if we continue on our current course and presently they are spot on.
Posted by Eric 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hayek v. Keynes
I will be the first to admit that you kind of have to be a nerd to appreciate this video but it is pretty much the nuts and bolts of the arguments. It is definitely easier to listen to than the typical talking head approach. I think that Hayek sounds a little bit like Mike D too.
Posted by Eric 0 comments
- Professional Athlete
- Reggae Artist
- The Predator

Posted by Eric 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Zack Morris v. Jack Bauer
I used to wonder about when that point was when you stopped keeping up with new music and when you stopped caring that your clothes weren't exactly "trendy" - When you settled on that haircut you felt most comfortable with.
I think I'm there.
My clothing is based far more on comfort than how much of a dork I look like, though I am fully aware that I often look dorky or out of sorts. I have now been sporting a shaved head for the majority of the last 10 years and more often than not I find myself humming along to the adult contemporary classics in grocery stores rather than being annoyed.
Is this something that can be blamed on kids? Maybe it is just a matter of life throwing its full spectrum of demands on your time at you and a matter of prioritizing. At any rate - I appreciate my friends and family who have a pulse on things so I can at least try to mimic them when needed. (Needed, of course, is a relative term)
Posted by Eric 3 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I've always been a little disappointed that I couldn't grow sweet facial hair. If I could you had better believe I would have an incredibly powerful mustache. Something that has a bit of quiet dignity but let's you know who's boss. I think I would probably let the mustache do most of the talking for me. When people asked me a question I would just stare at them through the whiskers protruding from my upper lip. But alas, my facial hair is as patchy as Keanu Reeves in chemo and blonde to boot.
Posted by Eric 4 comments