Sunday, October 12, 2008

Adeline Marie

Happy Birthday Addie!
When we woke up yesterday I don't think anyone (especially us) would have guessed that we would have a baby by the end of the day. But by 4 baby Addie was born a perfectly pink and healthy 6 lb. 6 oz. 19 in. baby girl. We couldn't have been luckier with the way things went. Sarah was fantastic and things went so fast that I was probably on my feet for all of a half hour. I'm not kidding, it was really fast. We're still trying to guage how well Jack understands what is happening. So far he has been so nice and helpful.

My brave girls.


Shelley said...

I am so happy for you guys! How lucky that she was early...that is always nice. I can't wait to see more pictures of her! Congrats! :)

Anonymous said...

Yea! Addie is beautiful - and so is her mama! Thank you for the pictures Eric!! Great job - I'm so excited to see her! Talk about a happy family - perfect picture! Can't wait to see you all!

Brady and Taryn said...

We had so much fun with Jack and you guys! Thanks for calling us first and letting us babysit! Addie is sooo cute and perfect. She has the cutest cheeks! I hope you don't mind I posted some pics on my blog...I just couldn't resist!

Dave said...

Congratulations! Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

Carrie said...

so cute. sarah, she looks EXACTLY like your baby pictures- at least that last one.

Congratulations!! i can't wait to come see you guys!!

diana said...

So very cute, congratulations!!!

AmyJ said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I was going to call you guys yesterday, but we forgot my phone all day...good thing cause you were busy!! She's beautiful!! Glad to hear everybody's healthy and happy!! Love her name...Adeline!! Cute :)

Unknown said...

A new niece!! woo hooo! Congrats guys. Sarah, you look like such a happy and beautiful mommy with your new cutie! Welcome Addie!!!

Kristi said...

It's funny, my best friend's brother has 2 little ones named Adeline and Jack and they call her Addie too. She was born just one day after my birthday, October is a great month! I heard about the quick labor today at church from your mom Sarah, I'm glad you went to the hospital! Well this has been long enough, so CONGRATULATIONS you look great and Addie is beautiful!

Kelli said...

Gratulerer, fine foreldre dere! Congrats! We are sure glad to hear that things went smoothly and quickly. We love looking at your blog! I think I may have to grow a sweet mustache, now (Cam, not Kelli, just in case you were curious). Best of luck with the new little ones... you'll have to check our blog for some news of our own!
-Cam and Kelli

Kimbo said...

I am so happy for you guys! What a cute little baby girl. Glad you had a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. What a great looking family you guys have. I hope little Jack adjust well to his new sis. I'm sure he'll be a great big brother. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world Addie! We will see you soon!
We are so glad that all is well and all are healthy!
We sure love you guys!

ryan and danielle said...

OMG! she is BEAUTIFUL! i love the first pic, you all look so completely thrilled! i can't wait til thursday.....

becki said...

Wonderful! She's so beautiful!! What a great family! :)

Kristi Clinger said...

Congrats! It sounds like you had a great experience. She is absolutly beautiful. I hope you have a great recovery Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's so beautiful! I love the name Adeline!! I'm glad everything went well. You guys look so happy :)