Tuesday, September 30, 2008
TJ to the MAX

Posted by Eric 11 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
For the Grandma's
Since the meltdown of our last camera, which also served as our video camera, we haven't been able to shoot any video. We just got a new one though thanks to some forgotten but not lost gift cards to Circuit City (Christmas '07 lives on!) We recognize that we go in cycles of super heavy on ridiculousness to really heavy on Jack. Sorry. This post is mainly for those who haven't gotten to see the lad in action for a while.
Posted by Eric 9 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
My name is Jack and I love Cars!!
Posted by Eric 10 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Posted by Eric 4 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I'm stupid
the scene: a mild and overcast wednesday afternoon. eric nears the completion of an appraisal inspection in rock springs.
the conversation:
eric: i'm all done. we'll get something back to your bank within a couple of days.
homeowner: sounds good
eric: you're welcome. have a good one.
eric's inner dialogue: you idiot! they didn't say thank you. why are you throwing out a preemptive "you're welcome"? they must think your a complete moron right now. either that or completely rude. as if to say that they must be thankful for my services whether or not they verbally state as much. why don't you just walk back to your truck and hope that they don't think about it too long. you trigger happy poor excuse of a polite conversationalist.
Posted by Eric 6 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Fresh Swedish Air
This post is tacky...sorry that's just part of who I (Eric, are you kidding me? were you really wondering?) am.
If you don't think this is funny, consider this. God created all things, including the magnificent and miraculous way the body functions. This also includes farts. Which is proof to me that he has a sense of humor. If he didn't think it was funny I'm sure we would all just burp more.
Posted by Eric 6 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Posted by Eric 7 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Labor Day Parade!
My favorite parade of the year has come and gone and it did not disappoint. The weather was pretty nice when we left the house so we grabbed a couple of umbrellas and jackets just in case the forecast for cold and rain was right, and walked downtown to meet the fam for the parade. Before it started Jake and Jack had a blast running into the middle of the road without moms telling them to "Get out of the street!" That's a common command at our house.
The parade started right on time, and the boys loved it. There were fun things for them to look at and people giving them candy. Jake got sidetracked with the first tootsie roll, and decided to eat that instead of getting more candy. Jack completely misunderstood how things worked and started throwing candy back at the floats. I guess that's actually better than 1 1/2 year old kids filling bags full of candy and begging to eat it all day long.
During the parade the wind started to pick up and big black clouds started heading our way. It was quite an ominous scene. When the rain started to fall I took Jack into the little shop we were standing in front of. I was afraid he was getting too cold. I was wrong. He was so mad that he was missing all the fun outside, so back out we went. Luckily, I had grabbed those umbrellas earlier. Jack and I sat on the sidewalk under an umbrella watching the rest of the parade go by while being pelted by rain, hail, and finally snow. Everyone was soaked and freezing by the end, but that is one Evanston parade we will never forget!
The rest of the day was spent at Grandma's where we all talked, played, and ate. Here are some pictures from the day.
Posted by Eric 3 comments