I was laughing the other day because I have a friend who likes to cross stitch, and for me, cross stitch has always been something you did at a young women's activity once or twice in your life...not an actual hobby. Then I realized what I was doing as a laughed thinking about this friend in her twenties cross stitching in her spare time...I was knitting!! What is the matter with me? Somewhere in the last 5 years I've become an old woman. I enjoy crocheting and knitting...its true! Our little family went to the Roundhouse Festival back in August and I saw some older ladies sitting in the corner talking and knitting, and I thought,"I wish I could do that." So, I realize its a bit odd, but I wanted to learn to knit, so I did, and I finished my first project. Its actually my second project, but the first isn't actually worth mentioning, so we'll just skip right over it. I am by no means a professional knitter, but I'm proud of the teeny tiny little blanket I made, my kids and husband are proud of it, and hopefully our little Ellie Bean (who will be making her appearance in the next 4 weeks!!) will love it too!

In these pictures you can see where I was paying too much attention to the show I was watching and accidentally switched the stitch, but that just gives it more character, right?!